Meet Deanna
Spiritual Medium, Psychic, Intuitive Healer & Certifed Spiritual Development Coach

It was in December of 2012 (just 1 month after my youngest son was born) that I had a great awakening!
I was FINALLY able to heal! I had a breakthrough and felt the best I had in my entire life. TRULY! Fear did get the best of me when I understood that I had to move through my healing, as we often do, and I had a setback in my development. I let fear overcome me. Fear of being seen for who I was now and that people would think I was crazy. I am now separated, however my husband at the time was supportive of my work and saw first hand how it helped people. So, having that support gave me the confidence to continue my learning and work on myself and my abilities so I could eventually help others.
It was a year after my initial awakening that I finally "gave in" to the Universe and said - "Okay, I'm ready." I have to admit, I was still fearful, however, I'd hit rock-bottom and that was when I knew I didn't have any other choice but to listen to the guidance and downloads I was receiving. So, I leaned in and started my journey.
The BEST, yet HARDEST decision I have ever made was to dedicate myself to my journey and heal so I can be of service for my mission. My life has had many experiences and challenges and tests during this time, but it has prepared me for what is coming! This amazing awakening that ALL our souls came here at this time to experience! Such a gift!
The last 6 years I have spent honing in on my abilities as a Medium, Psychic and Intuitive Healer. Developing relationships with lovelies from all over the world and serving humanity through my readings, healings and most recently, since September 2019, through my podcast, theDword Spiritual Podcast and now taking that even further and coaching lovelies just like you on your spiritual journeys to awaken, illuminate and transform your life!
My Certifications & Experience
In the first two and a half years of my career as a psychic medium, I was conducting free psychic counseling sessions as an online reader for Biddy Tarot in Australia. I connected with lovelies from all over the world and assisted in their journeys while I fine-tuned my abilities.
Once Spirit encouraged (shoved me forward more like it lol) me to do my business full time and close my Day Home (I'd had that running while I developing my ability and creating my first holistic business) I began to do readings and healing sessions both online/distance healing and in-person in my home healing space.
From then on, I dedicated myself to serving humanity and the Spirit World to deliver messages for love, guidance, and healing. I began conducting sessions from my home healing space and attended events around Alberta and Saskatchewan. To date, I've connected with nearly 3000 amazing lovelies from all over the world in my practice and I am so blessed to have been a part of so many transformations, awakenings, and healings!
I dove deep into learning as much as I could and am an Intuitive Healer, meaning I have the ability to connect with your body and feel intuitively your body targeting areas of your body where there is a disease, energy flow issues, pain, inflammation, dietary issues, and whatever happens to come through from your Spirit Team that you need to know for your overall health and healing.
Not only can I feel that within my clients, but I also allow spirit during my mediumship connections to come through and show me about their health prior to their passing. This is validation for the family that not only am I connected to the right soul of their loved ones but also so many pass without knowledge of their loved one's final moments or there are questions about what they actually passed from.
I explain any medical complications and also help the souls come to terms with their own passing as well. It really is an interesting experience as I see, feel, hear and experience all that they do prior to their passing, which has been instrumental in cold-case or missing persons cases that I have assisted families in privately.
That said, the Medical Medium ability with the connection I have with the spirit world, they will often tell me about the health of my clients and areas they need to work on. If you've had a session with me, you know that we do not mask the pain, we go to the source and ask why you feel the way you do. Often it's attached to emotional trauma and the pain will calcify in the body and show it's symptoms that way. So, by getting to the root of the pain/discomfort/dietary issues, etc, we are able to move people through their healing more effectively in a shorter period of time.
I am a Reiki Master (certified) which I obtained over a period of 4 years.
As I LOVE crystals, I am a Crystal Healing Practitioner with Reiki influence (certified) and use them in gridwork, in-person/distance healing sessions, and manifestation. I also have taught classes on how to bring crystals into your spiritual journey.
Of course, you know, I am a Psychic, Intuitive Tarot Reader and Spiritual Medium (connecting with your loved ones who have passed). This was the main focus of my holistic practice until early 2020.
Rounding out my certifications, I am certified with the Linda Howe Centre for Akashic Studies as a Level 1 Akashic Records Practitioner. I do intend to complete the level certifications, however, I use my ability to access this dimension through my own ability that I find is just quicker and more effective access for me at this time. But, I do love the Akashic and all it teaches and guides! Finally, I also have Past Life Regressional Therapy (certified), EFT/TFT Practitioner (certified).
To push me forward on my journey, I decided to integrate all I learned and experienced and follow my calling to coaching others on their journey. I found an amazing couple to learn from and obtained my certification in Life Purpose and Life Coaching. It was a wonderful experience and I use so much of these tools I learned and integrating them into my spiritual practice.
I have been absorbed since 2019 in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) as when I became enthralled with EFT/TFT, these were also other techniques that were being used and so I knew I wanted to learn more. I aim to have these certifications complete in the coming year. With my natural ability to see, feel, hear and experience others' energy and thoughts, I wanted to learn as much as I could, which is why I also learned a lot from Dr. Joe Dispenza and utilizing the Quantum Thought Field Theory. It has helped not only myself, but working with clients and talking about mental health and how our thoughts matter has been instrumental in the improvement of these issues with my clients, students, and listeners of the podcast (where I think I mention Dr. Joe in every episode lol)
As most recent, in Fall of 2020 I started my counseling degree, a two year program. I was able to take distance learning during COVID. Like many, I was focused on learning as much as I could and helping people as I could during difficult times. I finished 18 months later and offer counseling with an intuitive approach. My clients love this so much!
Along with the certifications, I have great interest and am well practiced with Channeling, Automatic Writing, Scrying, Quantum Healing, Quantum Astral Traveling, Quantum Field Thought Theory, Aliens, Starseeds, Spirit Guides, Angels and "Conspiracy Theories" (the TRUTH lol). I enjoy pendulums, scrying, and rune reading. I would love to learn palm reading!
Those Who Inspire Me
This list could be truly miles long, but I will do my best to keep it short! My first leap into the spirit world was through Sonia Choquette. Then dove into tarot shortly after that, and even began collecting Tarot decks. My favorite to collect are Lo Scarabeo decks.
The last few years I've binged the books, conferences, podcasts, teachings, and video series of amazing, talented, intelligent, inspirational folks like:
Dolores Cannon, Jordan Peterson, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Emery Smith, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Aaron Doughty, David Willcock, Victor Oddo, Edgar Cayce, The Medical Medium Anthony William, and so many many more!
My Mission
I am so blessed to have been chosen for this life mission! I enjoy the transformations that occur when someone comes to me for guidance and we see through their trials and tribulations and show them how to bring strength, faith, and intuition into their lives. Giving you the tools you need to heal and succeed is my mission. I am simply here to remind you of the tools you already have for this awakening. You will remember who you are and why you were planted/reincarnated/traveled here and what your mission was. You carry that energy and I'm blessed to be your guide to help you see that within yourself.